Actualités du programme eReColNat

" L'herbier, des pétales aux pixels " on France 3 Occitanie

Monday 26 October 2020 at 11.30 pm France 3 Occitanie broadcasts L'herbier, des pétales aux pixels.

This documentary by Marie-Christine Fourneaux, produced by Les films du Sud, was shot in the herbarium of the University of Montpellier during the period of digitisation of its collections.It presents the herbarium, the digitisation project of ReColNat's naturalist collections, and the botanists working on the perennialisation of the specimens.

To find out more: L'herbier des pétales aux pixels - Teaser

Les Herbonautes in the magazine "Culture et Recherche"

« ... cultural research and cultural actors produce expert knowledge, which is an essential contribution to science ... »

In its 140th issue, the Ministry of Culture's magazine "Culture and Research" focused on "Cultural Research and Participatory Sciences". In this context, the editorial team addresses the particular interest of these new cultural and scientific research practices that integrate civil society into the process of knowledge production. An article has been written on the participatory science programme "Les Herbonautes" of the RECOLNAT infrastructure. The scientific and cultural interest of the missions proposed by the platform was presented, as well as the value of the multidisciplinarity required for the identification of specimens. Motivated contributors contribute their knowledge and personal expertise. The information thus obtained is cross-referenced in order to optimise the validity of the data, enabling the inventory and digitisation work on the collections to evolve. In 7 years of operation approximately 440,000 specimens have been digitised, thanks to 4,000 contributors and more than 5,000,000 contributions. The constant development of this platform has allowed the broadening of mission themes, as recently with the launch of the first Palaeontology mission: the « Palaeonauts ».

Société botanique d'Occitanie : first meetings

Participation to the first Botanical Convergences

The Société botanique d'Occitanie, created in 2019, organizes its first meetings on October 3 and 4 2020, in Montpellier. The aim of this conference will be to "bring together botanists and promote botany", around different disciplines such as taxonomy, floristics, history of botany, etc. Among these topics, the network of naturalist collections RECOLNAT will be presented as one of the tools for the study of botany.

The Herbonautes launch their first Paleontology mission!

Do you want to become a Paleonaut?

The citizen science site, les Herbonautes, decided to extend its missions to other disciplines, other naturalist collections, than herbaria, starting with the computerization of a catalogue of paleontology. This Palaeonaut mission is part of the relocation of the palaeontology collections and the future renovation of the Palaeontology Gallery of the National Museum of Natural History. This collaborative work on the 11,345 specimens of this mission will help develop the user's community and test new ways of documenting the collections.

It will start tomorrow, Wednesday, June 10!

If you would like to take part in this original experience, go to the following address :

Examples of paleontological specimens, MNHN's Péron collection

L’abbé Lefrou, Cour-Cheverny priest and botanist

The association "Oxygène Cheverny" wrote an article in its magazine "La Grenouille" about Abbé Lefrou, priest Cour-Cheverny priest.

La Grenouille presents the botanist Julien Lefrou, (1771-1840). Abbé Lefrou, a native of Cercueil (Orne), greatly contributed to the botanical knowledge of the Loir-et-Cher region. In 1836, he published the "Catalogue des plantes qui croissent spontanément dans le département de Loir-et-Cher". His herbarium of more than 9,000 specimens is now part of the Alexandre Boreau herbarium, in the collections of the Museum of Natural Sciences in Angers. Digitized by the e-ReColNat program, it is available online.

For more informations : [](